Isla San Benedicto MX

This is a repost of a previous effort. In fact, it is the last of the large islands within the Revillagigedo Archipelago. The water's near this island are frequented by fishermen. The island proper is the site of recent volcanic activity. It is much studied by volcanologists.

My original post had the following comments:

Isla San Benedicto (19°19'N., 110°49'W.), a barren and rocky island, lies 27 miles NNE of Isla Socorro and has two prominent peaks. The tallest peak is 297m high and rises near the S part of the island. When seen from a distance, these two peaks often appear as two distinct islets. Good anchorage can be taken off a small shingle beach located about midway along the E side of the island. Three small but high detached rocks lie within 0.2 mile of the W side of the island. A detached rock, with a least depth of 3m, lies about 0.8 mile W of the N extremity of the island. A shoal, with a depth of 28m, was reported (1963) to lie about 15 miles N of Isla San Benedicto. (SD Pub 153)


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